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Natürliche Pflege, ganzheitliche Wirkung: Verwöhne Körper und Haut mit unserer Pflege Kombo für pure Entspannung und strahlende Schönheit.

BLAUE TRÄNEN Relaxation Oil
Relax completely: take care of your belly, back, and breasts.
With full spectrum CBD, chamomile, yarrow, clary sage and lavender.

For hormonally-related skin blemishes and redness.
With full spectrum CBD, orange, tea tree, thyme, chamomile and jojoba oil.

Normal price €72,00 EUR
Normal price €85,00 EUR Selling price €72,00 EUR
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€0,61 / portion

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When to use it?

BLAUE TRÄNEN Entspannungsöl
Wenn Bauch, Rücken oder deine Brüste eine Extraportion Liebe brauchen, gönne dir ein paar BLAUE TRÄNEN. Das sanft duftende Entspannungsöl beruhigt deinen Körper und deine Seele und schenkt dir ein wohliges Gefühl. Lass einfach los.

Gönn dir und deiner Haut einen Frischekick: ORANGER SAMT enthält die besten Wirkstoffe der Natur, um hormonell bedingten Hautunreinheiten vorzubeugen, dein Gesicht zu straffen und dich zum Strahlen zu bringen. Für samtig weiche Haut.

What do you find inside?

BLAUE TRÄNEN Entspannungsöl
fördert Entspannung, Gelassenheit und innere Ruhe, kann entkrampfend wirken und unterstützt einen erholsamen Schlaf.
Echte Kamille und Schafgarbe lindern Stress und Anspannung.
Muskatellersalbei hilft gegen Spannungen ganz besonders vor und während deiner Periode.
Lavendel wirkt krampflösend und beruhigend auf die Seele.
Mandelöl pflegt deine Haut sanft.

kann hormonell bedingte Hautunreinheiten regulieren, Rötungen beruhigen und deine Haut glätten.
Orange fördert die natürliche Reparaturfunktion der Haut, wirkt straffend und klärt fettige Haut.
Teebaum, Thymian und Cajeput wirken reinigend.
Echte Kamille befreit verstopfte Poren und wirkt beruhigend.
Schafgarbe und Zitrone regulieren fettige Haut und erfrischen deinen Teint.
Jojobaöl erneuert deine Haut durch Vitamin A, unterstützt die Hautelastizität durch Vitamin E und zieht schnell ein.
Sonnenblumenöl regt die Bildung neuer Hautzellen an.

How do I use it?

BLAUE TRÄNEN Entspannungsöl
Lass eine Pipette BLAUE TRÄNEN auf Bauch, Rücken oder deine Brüste tropfen. Massiere sie sanft ein, damit die Öle ihre Wirkung entfalten. Wiederhole die Anwendung, wenn du nach ca. 15 Minuten noch nicht die gewünschte Wirkung spürst oder das gute Gefühl mit der Zeit wieder nachlässt. Gönne dir so oft und so viele BLAUE TRÄNEN, wie du brauchst.

Reinige dein Gesicht und massiere eine halbe bis ganze Pipette ORANGEN SAMT sanft in deine noch leicht feuchte Haut ein, sodass das Öl schnell einzieht. Trage das Gesichtsöl ein- bis zweimal pro Tag morgens und/oder abends auf.

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Homade recipes

We work with self-developed formulations by women for women, using only the highest quality plant-based ingredients in organic quality from local producers.

It's the blend that makes the difference: pure CBD oil doesn't help many women as expected and has an unusual smell. We also use special women's herbs that optimally support you in combination.

We tested and improved all our formulations with testers over several months. Additionally, our homemade recipes have been reviewed by an external laboratory to ensure the correct and safe mixture and production.

Only the best

Our formulations rely primarily on the power of full-spectrum hemp extract, in addition to essential oils and plant extracts.

Our hemp comes from the fields of a Swiss organic pioneer and is carefully processed into CBD extract in Switzerland under the highest quality standards. With us, you know what you're buying, and you'll experience the high quality of our CBD in its effects.

Swiss manufacture

We handcraft all our oils in a small manufactory in Zurich. This non-industrial production requires a lot of time and love. You can feel and see this care when you hold our products in your hands.


What sets your products apart from conventional CBD oils?

Our hemp comes from the fields of a Swiss organic pioneer and is carefully processed into CBD extract in Switzerland under the highest quality standards. With us, you know what you're buying, and you'll experience the high quality of our CBD in its effects.

We do not work with cheap purchases of questionable CBD from abroad; instead, we personally know our Swiss manufacturer. He processes his hemp immediately after harvest using innovative production methods to produce fresh CBD extract himself.

But it's the blend that makes the difference: pure CBD oil doesn't help many women as hoped and has an unusual smell. We also use special women's herbs that optimally support you in combination.

We source our essential oils from a Swiss SME with decades of experience. Here too, we focus on the highest quality and personal relationships. Our supplier far surpasses the competition in terms of organic quality, processing, and fair production. This is extremely important to us, even if it means paying a bit more for procurement.

Do your products contain alcohol, water, parabens or silicones?

No, our cosmetic oils are made from 100% high-quality, natural oils. We do not add any additives or diluents such as alcohol or water. Additionally, we do not use parabens or silicones.

What is the shelf life of the oils?

Our oils are officially shelf-stable for six to twelve months, depending on the product, and often even longer based on your own discretion. After opening, you should use them within three months. We produce our oils in small batches to ensure they arrive at your mailbox as fresh as possible. Additionally, we do not add any artificial preservatives to our products.

Is CBD legal?

Yes, CBD is approved as an ingredient in cosmetics in Switzerland and the EU. We use only full-spectrum hemp extract, which is exclusively obtained and processed from the leaves of organically grown hemp plants in Switzerland. Our cosmetic products are not intended for ingestion but work externally through the skin.

Macht mich CBD high?

No, CBD is not psychoactive. Additionally, our full-spectrum hemp extract contains less than 0.2% THC. You really don't need to worry at all.

Can I use cosmetic products with CBD if I am pregnant, breastfeeding or taking medication?

Please consult your doctor about this.

Customer Reviews

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S. A.
Schneller Versand und tolle Produkte

Schneller Versand und tolle Produkte

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S. A.
Schneller Versand und tolle Produkte

Schneller Versand und tolle Produkte

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Stephanie Schmid
Schnelle Lieferung

Schnelle Lieferung. Sehr kundenfreundlicher Umgang und gute Produkte.

Vielen herzlichen Dank dir, Stephanie!

Stephanie Schmid
Schnelle Lieferung

Schnelle Lieferung. Sehr kundenfreundlicher Umgang und gute Produkte.

Vielen herzlichen Dank dir, Stephanie!

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